Muscle building and toning of the body with Body-Sculpt works with large applicators that emits electromagnetic energy. The magnetism provokes muscle contractions and in 30 minutes you go through as many as 20,000 of them; this corresponds to 20,000 sit-ups or 20,000 squats. You will often be able to see an effect immediately after treatment, but the final effect will only be visible after several weeks and up to 6 months later, because it takes time for the muscles to form new cells and for the fat cells to release their fatty acids.

Everyone can benefit from this treatment, but it is not a definite slimming solution, even if fat is being burned. The treatment tones the body and builds muscle mass; therefore, the treatment is particularly suitable for people who are already fit, go to the gym, play sports or train for running etc.

While the treatments duration is 30 minutes, we recommend taking a course of a minimum 4 treatments at a 3-4-day interval to get the greatest possible effect. The treatment will start with a low energy level, which is slowly increased to the energy level the customer can tolerate without feeling pain. During the 30 minutes, the muscles are exposed to the equivalent of 20,000 supramaximal contractions that are getting stronger as the customer will be able to carry out during training. Body-Sculpting does not cause pain or discomfort. Our cosmeticians have total control of the treatment intensity, so patients are always treated at a level that is comfortable to them.

  • With Body-Sculpt treatment you may also have a tightening of the buttocks, which will tone your buttocks to a rounder and firmer shape. The muscles will become stronger, and their volume will increase while you achieve 20,000 muscle contractions, which practically would not be possible to achieve during training.

  • Many women experience, in connection with their pregnancy, ending up with split abdominal muscles (Rectus Diastasis), which can be difficult to get rid of without an operation. Body-Sculpting can reduce split abs by 11% in 4 treatments and is the only non-surgical treatment that effectively treats split abs.

  • Stomach, thighs & calves, buttocks.

  • There are no known side effects apart from fatigue and sore muscles.

  • You must not receive treatment if you:

    - are pregnant

    - have epilepsy

    - have a pacemaker

    - have implanted metal in the body near the treatment site

    - are under 18 years old

    - are menstruating

    - use IUDs with copper

    - have heart problems

    - have scar tissue around the navel region

    - In a cancer course

    - has a brain injury or undergone brain surgery

  • Before you can be treated, you must remove all jewelry and any piercings if they sit near the treatment site.

    It is recommended to show up in light training clothes or other light clothing.